Grand LIA   |   Winners   |   Finalists

TV/Cinema/Online Film
Public Service/Social Welfare

Gold Winner

Entrant: Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg

"The Greatest Story"

Corporate Name of Client: UNICEF
Agency Account Supervisor: Jacob Nelson
Account Executive: Lena Birnik
Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg
Copywriter: Marcus Hägglöf
Art Directors: Johanna Hofman-Bang/Agnes Stenberg-Schentz
Agency Producers: Magnus Kennhed/Helena Wård
Production Company: ACNE Production
Directors: Torbjörn Martin/Tomas Skoging
Executive Producer: Petur Mogensen
Producer: Fredrik Skoglund
Post-Production Company: Chimney Pot
PR: Desirée Maurd
Designer: Nina Andersson
D.O.P: Christian Haag
Director of Communication: Petra Hallebrant
Senior Marketing Officer: Jim Carlberg

Description of the Project:
In this Unicef ad, Jesus, Gandhi and Mother Theresa meet a dude, who chose an easier way to
save lives.