Radio & Audio
Public Service/Social Welfare
Bronze Winner
Fundación Todo Mejora
Aired on Radio Station:
Corporate Name of Client: Fundación Todo Mejora
Head of Client Services: Gabriel Jefferies
Client Supervisor: Julio Cezar Dantas
Agency Account Director: Maximiliano Izquierdo
Planning Director: Gabriel Jefferies
Planner: María Paz Long
Agency: TBWA\Frederick, Santiago
Global Chief Creative Officer: Damasia Merbilhaa
Worldwide Chief Creative Officer: Rob Schwartz
Chief Creative Officer: Eduardo Novion
Group Creative Director: Kike Zuñiga
Copywriters: Carlos Rosales/Watón Frederick
Agency Script Writers: Sebastián Urrutia/Carlos Velasco
Agency Music Producer: Gonzalo Orellana
Recording Studio: SOLO Estudio, Santiago
Sound Design Company: SOLO Estudio, Santiago
Sound Designer: Christopher López
Audio Engineer: Pablo Hernández
Talent Casting: Domingo Guzmán/Gloria Loyola/Eduardo Novión/
Fernanda Bernal/Almendra Olavarría
Description of the Project:
Chile is one of the most backward countries on issues regarding homophobic discrimination and it’s legislation. On March 28th of 2011, Daniel Zamudio, an homosexual boy, died after being beaten to death by an homophobic group, giving cause for to the first law against sexual discrimination: The Zamudio Law. Since that day, several organizations fight for homosexuals’ integration in a country that stills discriminates in several ways. Todo Mejora, a foundation that fights to prevent tenage sucide caused by homophobic bullying, wanted to do a campaign that could shake the whole country. Changing one word could change an entire reality and perception.