TV/Cinema/Online Film
Social Media
Silver Winner
The Pilion Trust
"Fuck the Poor"
Corporate Name of Client: The Pilion Trust
Account Executive: Kelly Wood
Agency: Publicis, London
Executive Creative Director: Andy Bird
Copywriter: Steve Moss
Art Director: Jolyon Finch
Executive Agency Producer: Colin Hickson
Agency Producer: Sam Holmes
Production Company: Supergoober, London
Director: Jonathan Pearson
Producer: Adam Dolman
Post-Production Company: Absolute, London
Editing Facility: Marshall Street, London
Editor: Toby Conway-Hughes
Sound Design Company: Wave, London
Sound Designer: Tom Heddy
Head of Art and Design: Andy Breese
Photographer: Peter Bathurst
Description of the Project:
UK charities are in trouble. Donations are down 20% and government funding is down 60%. The Pilion Trust is tiny. Just a few people trying to help one of the poorest communities in London. The cuts meant their shelter for young homeless kids was about to close. They needed help fast. But how do you ask for help if you have no money for big budget ad’ campaigns? We created a highly shareable, online promotional film and asked the world for help. The results? Over three million people watched the film in the first seven days. Messages of support flooded in from around the world. They received global online news coverage with 255 million media impressions and £8.3 million in earned media. The campaign even spawned copycat campaigns But best of all donations went up by over sixteen hundred percept. Which meant a shelter for homeless kids didn’t have to close. Which just shows what you can do with a cardboard sign and a £500 budget.