TV/Cinema/Online Film
Beverages - Alcoholic
Bronze Winner
Tap King
"The Search"
Corporate Name of Client: Lion
Agency Account Director: Kura Tyerman
Account Manager: Renee Kastanias
Strategic Planner: Christina Aventi
Agency: BMF Adveritising, Sydney
Executive Creative Director: Shane Bradnick
Creative Director: Justin Ruben
Copywriter: Philip Sicklinger
Art Director: Alex Booker
Agency Producer: Jenny Lee-Archer
Director: Steve Rodgers
Producer: Pip Smart
Editor: Bernard Garry
Sound Design Company: Nylon Studios
Music Composer: Lionel Richie
Song Title: Hello
Creative Founder: Warren Brown
Group Account Director: Tony Dunseath
Lion Marketing Director: Matt Tapper
Lion Marketing Manager: Josh Gaudry
Lion Brand Manager: Lisa Heath
Description of the Project:
Men have always searched the fridge. Time and time again they return to peek inside in the hope they'll find what they're looking for. The television commercial shows a man on this same unending search until he finds Lionel Richie inside his fridge pouring a beer. As Lionel pours the beer he sings his iconic song 'Hello' to tell the message men have finally found what they're looking for a device to pour fresh draught beer at home called Tap King.