Private Education
"Know Your English"
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Plug-In: No
User Name: No
Password: No
Corporate Name of Client: British Council
Head of Client Services: Regina Goh
Agency Account Supervisor: Samuel Minns
Account Manager: Marie Tan
Media Planner: Sherman Plameras
Planner: Sashi Kumar
Agency: Grey Group Singapore, Singapore
Chief Creative Officer: Ali Shabaz
Creative Director: Low Jun Jek
Copywriter: Karn Singh
Art Directors: Shante Lee/Tan Giap How
Interactive Producer: Sudhir Pasumarty
Technical Developers: Ong Su Hui/Sudhir Pasumarty
Editor: Bobby Aguila
Description of the Project:
The British Council embarked on a cost-effective digital campaign to help raise its profile with prospects - working professionals who are non-proficient in English. An online presence is integral as the Internet is a rich resource for the target audience to read articles and improve their language proficiency. Emphasizing that the average Internet user is exposed to a myriad of banner ads when they are online, the tactic for this direct campaign was to make life easier for the user rather than posting one-directional ads and messages to them, in order to capture their attention and trigger an interaction.