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Innovative Use of Digital


Entrant: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg

"The Social Swipe"

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Corporate Name of Client: Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR e.V.
Head of Client Services: Elisabeth Kleffner
Agency Account Supervisor: Jan Kowalsky
Account Manager: Britta Kronacher
Agency: Kolle Rebbe, Hamburg
Group Creative Directors: Rolf Leger/Oliver Ramm
Executive Creative Director: Sascha Hanke
Copywriter: Sarah Sommer
Art Director: Nadine Nolting
Agency Producers: Kathrin Kleyh/Alexander Hildenberg
Production Manager: Martin Lühe
Photographer: Patrice Lange
Production Company: Virus @ Infected Potproduction, Hamburg
Executive Producer: Alexander Steinhoff
Production: Martin Lühe/Jens Raddatz, Harvest Digital Agriculture
VFX Company: Hamburg
Sound Design Company: Infected Postproduction, Hamburg
Audio Engineer: Hannes Hönemann
Music Production Company: MOKOH Music, Hamburg
Interactive Developement: Felix Zielke/Sven Hoffmann
Final Artwork: Anne Schmücker

Description of the Project:
Since 1958, the relief organisation MISEREOR has been supporting people through self-help initiatives around the world. In the battle against poverty and injustice, every single euro counts, yet donation fatigue is setting in. How can we remind people that even a small donation can have a big impact in a way that is both entertaining and innovative?
We make donating easier than ever before – with the first interactive donation poster that accepts one of the most popular means of payment in the world: the credit card.
A single credit card swipe through the poster donates EUR 2 to MISEREOR and triggers an interactive experience: the credit card cuts through the image of bound hands of an imprisoned Filipino child, helping him to return to a normal life. Another scenario enables you to provide the daily meal for a family in Peru: swiping the credit card cuts a slice of bread from a loaf.
The posters stayed in people’s minds longer: When donors received their credit card statement, they were asked to turn their single donation into a monthly one.