Branded Content
Silver Winner
Beldent Gum
"Almost Identical"

Corporate Name of Client: Mondelez
Client Supervisors: Sebastian Genesio/Diego Serantes/
Maximiliano Diaz/Victoria Feu/Angeles Curia
Agency Account Director: Ana Bogni
Account Executive: Oriana San Martin
Planner: Regina Campanini
Agency: Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi, Buenos Aires
Executive Creative Directors: Maxi Itzkoff/Mariano Serkin
Creative Directors: Matias Eusebi/Ammiel Fazzari/
Juan Pablo Lufrano/Ariel Serkin
Copywriter: Matias Eusebi
Art Director: Ammiel Fazzari
Agency Producers: Adrian Aspani/Consuelo Gimenez Uriburu
Production Company: Agosto Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
Director: Diego & Vladi
Executive Producers: Luli Krämer/Lucila D'Amico
Post-Production Company: La Posta, Buenos Aires
Sound Design Company: Tres Sonido, Buenos Aires
Music Production Company: Circle of sound, Buenos Aires
Description of the Project:
There's a social stigma attached to chewing gum. But is there any truth behind it? To test it out, we created an experimental exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires. There, we put several pairs of twins on display. They were all dressed exactly alike. The only difference was that one twin chewed gum. The audience that visited the exhibition was asked questions about each twin's image. Using electronic buttons, they voted positively or negatively for one of the two. 73% favored those twins who chewed gum. We proved that chewing gum doesn't harm someone's image, but in fact, boosts it.